████▓▓▄ Abandon All Hope-Where Life and Death Meet ▄▓▓█▀███¦
Ì██▀ ▀█▓▓¦ Ì▓▓██████¦
Ì███▄██▓▓▓ ARTiST.... Abandon All Hope ▓▓███████¦
Ì█████▓▓▓¦ TiTLE..... Where Life and Death Meet Ì▓▓▓███▄█¦
Ì███▓▓▀▀ LABEL..... Washed Up SOURCE... CDDA ▀▀▓▓▓██¦
Ì█▓▀ GENRE..... Metal QUALiTY.. VBRkbps ▀▓█¦
Ì█¦ ▄■ RiP.DATE.. Jul-23-2007 TRACKS... 09 ■▄ Ì▓¦
Ì█░▄▄▓¦ STOREDATE. Jul-23-2007 LENGTH... 26:17 min Ì▓▄▄ █¦
Ì███▓▓ SUPPLiER. TEAM BUTT ▓▓███¦
Ì██▓▓¦ Ì▓▓██¦
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Ì█ 01 Where Life and Death Meet 00:52 █¦
Ì█ 02 Keyless Cage 02:54 █¦
Ì█ 03 My Perceptions 02:48 █¦
Ì█ 04 The Hanging 01:21 █¦
Ì█ 05 Kill if I Could 04:12 █¦
Ì█ 06 A Meteres A Mile 01:46 █¦
Ì█ 07 Angels Wings Are the Devils Things 03:27 █¦
Ì█ 08 Cool Black Soul 02:33 █¦
Ì█ 09 Defining Moments 06:24 █¦
Ì█ █¦▄
Ì█ TOTAL TiME: 26:17 min █¦▄
Ì█ TOTAL SiZE: 41,9 Mb ▄██
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Ì█ <──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────> Ì█▀▓▀
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Ì█ For its size, the city of churches has been been the birthplace █¦
Ì█ of an almost un-natural number of Australia's metal & hardcore █¦
Ì█ legends. Now with the demise of "I Killed The Prom Queen", "Day █¦
Ì█ Of Contempt", "Embodi-ment", "Through Closed Eyes" and █¦
Ì█ "Stronghold", the city that has set the trends is left with a █¦
Ì█ void to fill. True to form, Australia's hardcore melting pot has █¦
Ì█ somehow forged another diamond in the rough. Abandon All Hope █¦
Ì█ shreds as hard as any of those before them, but with an █¦
Ì█ unmistakably fresh intensity. While their predecessors may have █¦
Ì█ fallen to the wayside, the years of metal riffage and dark █¦
Ì█ lyrics haven't gone to waste, instead they've found a new host █¦
Ì█ and culminated heavier and more twisted than ever on Abandon All █¦
Ì█ Hope's debut CD 'Where Life and Death Meet'. █¦
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