║║█▀ artist : Led Zeppelin ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ title : London 2007 -AUD ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ genre : Rock ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ source : Concert ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ type : Album ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ rls date : 12.14.2007 ║║ st date : 00.00.0000 ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ size : 181,5 MB ║║ tracks : CD1: 9 CD2: 10 ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ quality : Lame 3.97 ║║ label : n/a ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ website : n/a ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ similar artist : n/a ▀█║║█
█║╠█═════------ ┌─┐ ┌── ┌ ┌── ┌┐ ┌──┐┌── ─ ┌┐ ┌ ┌──┐─┬─┌──┌──┐ ---══════█╣║█
█║╠█══════──--- │─└┐├─ │ ├─ ┌├└┐└──┐├─ ── │└┐│ │ │ │ ├─ └──┐ ----═════█╣║█
█║╠█══════───── └ └└── └── └───┘ └───┘└── ─ ─ └┘ └──┘ └ └─────┘ ─────════█╣║█
█║║█ Recorded at O2 Arena, London, England █║║█
█║║█ December 10, 2007. █║║█
█║║█ █║║█
█║║█ Audience recording. There is a small problem about a minute into █║║█
█║║█ the first song. █║║█
█║║█ █║║█
█║║█ /team FKK █║║█
█║║█ █║║█
█║╠█═════──────────────── ─┬─ ┌─┐ ┌┐ ┌── ┐┌ ┌──┐ ──────────────────══════█╣║█
█║╠█══════─────────────── │ │─└┐┌├└┐│ ├─┐ └──┐ ───────────────────═════█╣║█
█║╠█══════─────────────── └ └ └┘ └└──── └────┘ ────────────────────════█╣║█
█║║█ D1 █║║█
█║║█ █║║█
█║║█ 01 Intro (London 2007) 02:02 █║║█
█║║█ 02 Good Times Bad Times (London 2007) 03:10 █║║█
█║║█ 03 Ramble On (London 2007) 05:45 █║║█
█║║█ 04 Black Dog (London 2007) 06:06 █║║█
█║║█ 05 In My Time Of Dying (London 2007) 12:02 █║║█
█║║█ 06 For Your Life (London 2007) 06:34 █║║█
█║║█ 07 Trampled Under Foot (London 2007) 06:59 █║║█
█║║█ 08 Nobody's Fault But Mine (London 2007) 07:43 █║║█
█║║█ 09 No Quarter (London 2007) 09:37 █║║█
█║║█ █║║█
█║║█ D2 █║║█
█║║█ █║║█
█║║█ 01 Since I've Been Loving You (London 2007) 08:00 █║║█
█║║█ 02 Dazed And Confused (London 2007) 12:40 █║║█
█║║█ 03 Stairway To Heaven (London 2007) 08:45 █║║█
█║║█ 04 The Song Remains The Same (London 2007) 06:06 █║║█
█║║█ 05 Misty Mountain Hop (London 2007) 06:06 █║║█
█║║█ 06 Kashmir (London 2007) 09:38 █║║█
█║║█ 07 crowd (London 2007) 03:19 █║║█
█║║█ 08 Whole Lotta Love (London 2007) 08:02 █║║█
█║║█ 09 crowd (London 2007) 02:05 █║║█
█║║█ 10 Rock And Roll (London 2007) 05:43 █║║█
█║║█ █║║█
█║║█ 130:22 min █║║█
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