║║█▀ artist : Miss Platnum ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ title : Come Marry Me ft. Pete Fox ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ genre : Balkan Beat / R&B ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ source : CDDA ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ type : Single ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ rls date : 08.28.2007 ║║ st date : 00.00.2007 ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ size : 24,2 MB ║║ tracks : 05 ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ quality : Lame 3.97 ║║ label : FourMusic ▀█║║█
█║║█▀ website : www.myspace.com/missplatnum ▀█║║█
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█║║█ even more R&B from Berlin and Romania straight to your mp3 player! █║║█
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█║║█ all mixes are exclusive/the "International" version is actually █║║█
█║║█ the solo version we ripped before from vinyl. also includes a █║║█
█║║█ dope b-side and a video (not included here, check dailymotion). █║║█
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█║║█ team XXX (a division of FKK) █║║█
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█║║█ 01 Come Marry Me (Radio Edit) 03:36 █║║█
█║║█ 02 Come Marry Me (Marry Luke 4000 Remix) 03:10 █║║█
█║║█ 03 Come Marry Me (Pour Pour Remix) 03:41 █║║█
█║║█ 04 Come Marry Me (International Version) 03:36 █║║█
█║║█ 05 Can't Help It 03:37 █║║█
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█║║█ 17:40 min