██▓▓▄ Hills Have Eyes-All Doves Have Been Killed ▄▓▓█▀███¦
Ì██▀ ▀█▓▓¦ Ì▓▓██████¦
Ì███▄██▓▓▓ ARTiST.... Hills Have Eyes ▓▓███████¦
Ì█████▓▓▓¦ TiTLE..... All Doves Have Been Killed Ì▓▓▓███▄█¦
Ì███▓▓▀▀ LABEL..... Recital Records SOURCE... CDDA ▀▀▓▓▓██¦
Ì█▓▀ GENRE..... Rock QUALiTY.. VBRkbps ▀▓█¦
Ì█¦ ▄■ RiP.DATE.. Jan-08-2007 TRACKS... 07 ■▄ Ì▓¦
Ì█░▄▄▓¦ STOREDATE. 000-00-2007 LENGTH... 19:37 min Ì▓▄▄ █¦
Ì███▓▓ SUPPLiER. TEAM BUTT ▓▓███¦
Ì██▓▓¦ Ì▓▓██¦
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Ì█ 01 Intro 00:26 █¦
Ì█ 02 Those Birds Wont Bother Us Anymore 03:32 █¦
Ì█ 03 The Same Old Story Again and Again 03:19 █¦
Ì█ 04 For You Its A Bloody Day 03:11 █¦
Ì█ 05 Interlude 01:48 █¦
Ì█ 06 Tombstone (Feat. Vasco From More than A Thousand) 03:33 █¦
Ì█ 07 Mdk in Texas 03:48 █¦
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Ì█ TOTAL TiME: 19:37 min █¦▄
Ì█ TOTAL SiZE: 33,9 Mb ▄██
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Ì█ HILLS HAVE EYES were born from the ashes of an older project █¦
Ì█ called SKAPULA. The band was born in the year 2005 in Setubal █¦
Ì█ (Portugal), after the entrance of two members, Pedro Pais █¦
Ì█ ex-More Than a Thousand, and China. The decision to end Skapula █¦
Ì█ and built a stronger project created Hills Have Eyes and the █¦
Ì█ band recorded between February/October 2005 their debut EP █¦
Ì█ called "All doves have been killed". █¦
Ì█ █¦
Ì█ Band Website: http://www.hillshaveeyes.net/ █¦
Ì█ MySpace URL: http://www.myspace.com/hillshaveeyesmusic █¦
Download: Rapidshare
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