Artist: lorene drive
Album: savan in super pursuit mode
Genre : punk
Date : mar-06-2005
Year : 2005
Quality : VBRkbps / 44.1kHz / joint-stereo
Songs : 07
Playtime : 26:29 min
Label : Top Notch
Size : 32,4 MB
Url : www.lorenedrive.com
Source : cdda
Releasenotes: this release has 3 additional tracks and is remastered even
though the bitrates are still pretty low. i included pics just
for the sake of the low bitrates.
2003 - 152.8kbps avg
2005 - 170.5kbps avg
01.change of occupancy [03:15]
02.twelve watts of a lesson well learned [03:12]
03.kill your lover [03:13]
04.to her taste [02:52]
05.shhh... [05:28]
06.stone washed [03:19]
07.for the rest of us [05:10]
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