Das Teil ist nen besonderer Tip: eine richtig geile straight2yourface Hardcore Compilation .... richtig gut für irgendwelche MoshPartys oder sowas!
Ì█████▓▓▄ VA-Hardcore 2007 ▄▓▓█▀███¦
Ì██▀ ▀█▓▓¦ Ì▓▓██████¦
Ì███▄██▓▓▓ ARTiST.... VA ▓▓███████¦
Ì█████▓▓▓¦ TiTLE..... Hardcore 2007 Ì▓▓▓███▄█¦
Ì███▓▓▀▀ LABEL..... Resist/Washed Up/T&E SOURCE... CDDA ▀▀▓▓▓██¦
Ì█▓▀ GENRE..... Hardcore QUALiTY.. VBRkbps ▀▓█¦
Ì█¦ ▄■ RiP.DATE.. Jul-17-2007 TRACKS... 15 ■▄ Ì▓¦
Ì█░▄▄▓¦ STOREDATE. 000-00-2007 LENGTH... 39:11 min Ì▓▄▄ █¦
Ì███▓▓ SUPPLiER. TEAM BUTT ▓▓███¦
Ì██▓▓¦ Ì▓▓██¦
Ì█▓▓▀ ▀▓▓▓¦
Ì█ █¦
Ì█ 01 Mindsnare░-░Turn You Inside Out 01:52 █¦
Ì█ 02 Miles Away░-░Brainwashed 02:10 █¦
Ì█ 03 50 Lions░-░to the Test 02:46 █¦
Ì█ 04 Internal Affairs░-░Still Alive 00:53 █¦
Ì█ 05 No Apologies░-░Dying to Live 03:30 █¦
Ì█ 06 The Seduction░-░this Statement is False 02:59 █¦
Ì█ 07 Jungle Fever░-░Fucked in the Head 02:04 █¦
Ì█ 08 Against░-░Loyalty and Betrayal 01:50 █¦
Ì█ 09 Fuck it I Quit░-░Change 02:26 █¦
Ì█ 10 Samsara░-░Outcast 02:28 █¦
Ì█ 11 Worlds Apart░-░Losing Hope, Sinking Fast 02:26 █¦
Ì█ 12 The Broderick░-░the Strand 03:41 █¦
Ì█ 13 Abandon All Hope░-░My Perceptions 02:49 █¦
Ì█ 14 Pro Team░-░40/40 03:03 █¦
Ì█ 15 The Red Shore░-░Thy Devourer 04:14 █¦
Ì█ █¦▄
Ì█ TOTAL TiME: 39:11 min █¦▄
Ì█ TOTAL SiZE: 60,5 Mb ▄██
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Ì█ <──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────> Ì█▀▓▀
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Ì█ Compilation from the recent Hardcore 2007 festival in Sydney, █¦
Ì█ NSW Australia. █¦
Ì█ █¦
Ì█ Tracks 1 - 5 = Resist Records █¦
Ì█ Tracks 6 - 10 = Trial And Error Records █¦
Ì█ Tracks 11 - 15 = Washed Up Records █¦
Download: Rapidshare
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