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Mittwoch, 5. September 2007

Arbeit - Zum Einem Neuen Licht (2007)

Arbeit - Zum Einem Neuen Licht (c) 2007 Autumn Wind Productions

Artist....: Arbeit
Album.....: Zum Einem Neuen Licht
Type......: Album
Source....: CDDA
Tracks....: 09
Genre.....: Folk
Label.....: Autumn Wind Productions
Catalogue#: AWP017
Encoder...: LAME 3.97
Quality...: VBR kbps / 44.1Hz / Joint-Stereo

01 Totalen Krieg 04:23
02 Der Weg 09:01
03 Mein Vaterland Bittet Mich Zu Sterben 06:13
04 Russia 05:57
05 Le Chant Du Diable 03:16
06 Tod Ist Mein Schicksal 04:50
07 Le Destin De La Patrie 05:48
08 Solitude 06:55
09 Das Ende 04:46

Total: 67,3 MB / 51:09 min

Release Notes:
Experience the Martial and Neo-Classical sounds and the lives of Men,
Women and Children thrust into an environment of Total War... Total
Loss.... What would we have been in this time of uncertainty... what
would we have done?

Download: Rapidshare

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