Ì█▓▓¦ ▀██▄ Artist...: Dimmu Borgir █ ▓
▄ ▀█▓▓▄ ▀▓¦ Album....: In Sorte Diaboli █ ▓
▀██▄ ▀▀▄ Ì▓ Label....: Nuclear Blast █ ▓
Ì██¦ ̦ ▒ Size.....: 73,1 MB █ ▓
▄█▀▓ ▄ ▀ ░ Source...: CDDA █ ▓
▀ ▓ ▓ Playtime.: 42:50 min █ ▓
▓ █ Genre....: Black Metal █ ▓
▓ ▓ Release..: Mar-07-2007 █ ▓
▓ █ Encoder..: LAME V3.97 -V2 --Vbr-New █ ▓
▓░█ Quality..: VBRkbps 44,1Hz Joint-Stereo █ ▓
▓░█ █ ▓
▓▒█ █ ▓
▓▒█ █ ▓
▓▒█ █ ▓
▓▒█ ▓ ▓
▓▓█ ▄ ▄ ▄▄▀ ▄ ▀ █ ▓
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▀██¦ █░▓
░▒▓█▀▄ █░▓
▓ █ █ ▓
█ █ 01 05:10 The Serpentine Offering █ ▓
█ █ 02 04:17 The Chosen Legacy █ ▓
█ █ 03 05:25 The Conspiracy Unfolds █ ▓
█ █ 04 03:59 The Sacrilegious Scorn █ ▓
█ █ 05 02:59 The Fallen Arise █ ▓
█ █ 06 05:10 The Sinister Awakening █ ▓
█ █ 07 05:17 The Fundamental Alienation █ ▓
█ █ 08 04:44 The Invaluable Darkness █ ▓
█ █ 09 05:49 The Foreshadowing Furnace █ ▓
█ █ █ ▓
█ █ Info: Melodic Black Metal from Norway. █ ▓
█ █ █ ▓
█ █ Retail versions comes with a bonustrack called █ ▓
█ █ "The Ancestral Fever". █ ▓
█ █ █ ▓
█ █ North American release will have another bonus █ ▓
█ █ track called "The Heretic Hammer" █ ▓
█ █ █ ▓
█ █ Europen air date: 26.04.2007 █ ▓
█ █ USA air date: 24.04.2007 █ ▓
Download: Rapidshare
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