Ì█▓▓¦ ▀██▄ Artist...: Eisregen █ ▓
▄ ▀█▓▓▄ ▀▓¦ Album....: Eine Erhalten █ ▓
▀██▄ ▀▀▄ Ì▓ Label....: Massacre Records █ ▓
Ì██¦ ̦ ▒ Size.....: 35,6 MB █ ▓
▄█▀▓ ▄ ▀ ░ Source...: CDDA █ ▓
▀ ▓ ▓ Playtime.: 22:53 min █ ▓
▓ █ Genre....: Metal █ ▓
▓ ▓ Release..: Jun-21-2007 █ ▓
▓ █ Encoder..: LAME V3.97 -V2 --Vbr-New █ ▓
▓░█ Quality..: VBRkbps 44,1Hz Joint-Stereo █ ▓
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▓ █ █ ▓
█ █ 01 02:53 Eine Erhalten █ ▓
█ █ 02 05:25 Schlachthaus-Blues (Alternative Version) █ ▓
█ █ 03 04:18 Alphawolf (Alternative Version) █ ▓
█ █ 04 04:53 Blutbahnen (Alternative Version) █ ▓
█ █ 05 05:24 Schneuz Den Kasper! (Alternative Version) █ ▓
█ █ █ ▓
█ █ Info: newest output from Eisregen. First Title ist new █ ▓
█ █ track 2-5 are well known from their last album █ ▓
█ █ "Blutbahnen" but they recorded these 4 songs █ ▓
█ █ with alternativ vocals! So HF with Eisregen┤s █ ▓
█ █ new CDEP. █ ▓
█ █ █ ▓
Download: Rapidshare
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